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Ultra-High frequency is the highest resolution of medical ultrasound available today. This groundbreaking technique opens up to new possibilities, for medical imaging, with resolution as fine as less than half a grain of sand.  Vevo® F2 With the VEVO® F2, FUJIFILM VisualSonics, is a unique and flexible system for research use, with the possibility of Ultra high to low frequency imaging (71–1 MHz). - 2025-01-17

Gaze tracking

The study of eye movements is an important source of information for researchers (eg neurobiologists, psychologists and optometrists) and healthcare professionals (eg neurologists, ophthalmologists, ear-nose-throat doctors, orthoptists). Research has shown that the study of eye movements is a powerful tool for understanding how our psyche and our brain work. Understanding all eye movement disorder - 2025-01-17


The Lund University Photoacoustic Center is a unique interdisciplinary research infrastructure that relies on close ties between several faculties. The ecosystem depicted above demonstrates how the expertise of each partner plays an integral role in realizing the ultimate goal of improving clinical practices. Users from the Medical faculty, Lund University Department of OphthalmologyProfessor Mali - 2025-01-17


To discuss your ideas, please contact: Steering group Professor Malin Malmsjö, malin [dot] malsmjo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (malin[dot]malsmjo[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se), +46 (0) 722 335060 Associate Professor Magnus Cinthio, magnus [dot] cinthio [at] bme [dot] lth [dot] se (magnus[dot]cinthio[at]bme[dot]lth[dot]se), +46 (0) 46 222 97 10 Technical expert team Associate professor Rafi Sheikh, rafi [do - 2025-01-17


Amyloidosis is a rare disease characterized by a buildup of abnormal amyloid deposits in the body. Amyloid deposits can build up in the heart, brain, kidneys, spleen and other parts of the body.  Amyloid in the heart reduces the ability to fill with blood between heartbeats. Less blood is pumped with each beat, and the patient experience shortness of breath. If amyloidosis affects your heart's ele - 2025-01-17

Neonatal CNS Circulation

Ultrasonic contrast-free microvascular imaging using ultrafast Doppler is an emerging technology which has enabled microvascular imaging in brain, tumor vascularization imaging, and functional ultrasound. However, the technology has, as far as we know, mostly be used in situations with little or no motion artefacts and using clinical transducer frequencies. The rabbit pup brain is a very useful mo - 2025-01-17


The goniometer employs the same light sources as the multispectral microscope, but has an extended capability to measure the scattering properties of a sample by determining the preferred angles light choses to scatter into. The goniometer is therefore important when characterizing the optical properties of human tissue, which in turn lays a foundation for proper interpretation of signals generate - 2025-01-17

Reconstructive Surgery

Knowledge of how blood perfusion is affected during and after reconstructive surgery is of great importance to predict the survival of grafts and flaps. When commonly used reconstructive procedures were developed a century ago, they were based on empirical observations of clinical outcome. However, today modern, non-invasive techniques are available to monitor perfusion during and after surgery. A - 2025-01-17


Malaria is responsible for over half a million deaths annually, however, these are primarily in the developing parts of the World. The reason why it remains a problem in only a few places is because the incidence is particularly high and the methods of diagnosing the parasitic illness are not efficient enough. Moreover, understanding the behaviour of the plasmodium parasite vector (the female  Ano - 2025-01-17

Breast Cancer

The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate three non-invasive examination methods for the diagnosis of breast tumors, namely photoacoustics, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and ultrasound-based tissue characteristics. It is our hope that the methods will be used for primary diagnostic of breast cancer, planning of breast cancer surgery but also to evaluate the given preoperative cance - 2025-01-17


PhD defense Ulf Dahlstrand March 20th, 2020 at 13.00Segerfalksalen, BMC LundThesis title: Supervisor: Professor Malin MalmsjöFaculty Oponent:    PhD defense Linda Rannveig ThorisdottirMay 22nd, 2020 at 09.00Segerfalksalen, BMC LundThesis title: Supervisor: Professor Malin MalmsjöFaculty Oponent: - 2025-01-17


Lund University Photoacoustic Center Welcome to the Photoacoustic Center Read about our platform. Presentation of our research A short presentation on some of our most exciting research projects and latest findings. Calendar Link to RSS More events Our Technical Research Projects Read about our technical development. Our Clinical Research Read about all our different clinical research projects. Jo - 2025-01-17

Clinical Applications

We use the photoacoustic imaging technology platform to solve clinical problems while developing technology to make this possible. Skin Cancer Giant Cell Arthritis Reconstructive Surgery Gaze Tracking Strabismus Surgery Oxygen Saturation Breast Cancer Pediatric Surgery Heart Failure Amyloidosis Neonatal CNS Circulation - 2025-01-17


Principal investigator: Professor Malin Malmsjö This project focus on evaluating and optimizing PA imaging as a method to detect and outline skin tumors. We are investigating the PA spectral signature of different tumor cells to enable automatic measure­ment of the tumor borders, and test the developed method in the clinical setting, ultimately developing PA imaging into a diagnostic tool for skin - 2025-01-17

Oxygen Saturation

Measuring the oxygen saturation is of great value in a wide range of medical fields. For instance, tumor progression and malignancy is strongly dependent on tumor hypoxia. Monitoring of cerebral oxygen saturation can be used in the diagnosis of cerebral desaturations in stroke patients. In cardiovascular disease and diabetes the measurement of abnormalities of the microcirculation can monitor the - 2025-01-17

Giant Cell Arteritis

This project focus on evaluating and optimizing photoacoustic (PA) imaging as a method to non invasively diagnose giant cell arthritis. Giant cell arteritis (GCA) also known as temporal arteritis is a sight- and life-threatening, granulomatous large-vessel condition. Typical symptoms are headache, fever, fatigue, night sweats and weight loss. GCA may not only cause permanent loss of vision, but al - 2025-01-17

Tillämpad GIS

NGEN21 Kursen är en obligatorisk kurs för masterexamen (120 hp) i GIS och fjärranalys inom huvudområdet geomatik samt valbar kurs för masterexamen (120 hp) i Naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap. Kursinnehåll Kursen innehåller teoretisk bakgrund för olika GIS-metoder och deras tillämpning inom miljö och rumslig planering. Kursens teoretiska innehåll omfattar koordinatsystem i plan och höjd, raster - 2025-01-17

Geografiska Informationssystem - Introduktion 1

GISA23 fristående distanskurs 7,5 hp Kursen är en fristående kurs som ges som en introduktion till ämnet geografiska informationssystem. Tillsammans med kursen GISA24 (7,5 hp) ger kursen en ingång till vidare studier inom området geografisk informationsvetenskap. Kursen ges som distansundervisning med 50 % eller 100 % studietakt. Kursinnehåll Syftet med kursen är att ge grundläggande teoretiska oc - 2025-01-17

Geografiska informationssystem - Introduktion 2

Kursen är en fristående onlinekurs som ges som en introduktion till ämnet. I kombination med kursen GISA23 (7,5 hp) ger kursen inträde till vidare studier inom området geografisk informationsvetenskap. Syftet med kursen är att, tillsammans med de kunskaper som förvärvats i kursen GISA23, ge kompletterande grundläggande teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper om begrepp och metoder för behandling och an - 2025-01-17