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Sona Sukiasyan

Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies "Believe in yourself, and never stop chasing your dreams!" Alumna Sona in front of the building Cascade, in Yerevan, Armenia. Alumni portrait of alumna Sona, from the Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies. Interview was conducted in January 2024.Hi Sona! Can you introduce yourself shortly?Absolutely! My name is Sona Sukiasyan, and I am from Armenia. I mo - 2025-03-05

Christina Atekmangoh

Master of Science in Development Studies Alumni portrait of alumna Christina, from the Master of Science in Development Studies. Interview was conducted in January 2024. Alumna Christina in her office. Hi Christina! You graduated from Development Studies in 2011. What have you been up to since your graduation?Since graduating, I continued my studies at the Graduate Institute of International and D - 2025-03-05

Laura Blažková

Master of Science in Development Studies "Expand your horizons, be creative with topics that you want to explore and tackle! It is so important to stick to your values, I believe everyone can make an important contribution to the world, in their own way!" Alumna Laura on her graduation day. Alumna portrait of alumna Laura, from the Master of Science in Development Studies. Interview was conducted - 2025-03-05

Victor Gram-Erichsen

"My experiences and competencies developed at Lund University, as well as the a well-developed understanding of global issues, have been very useful working with policymaking across different topics in an international political environment!" Profile photo of alumnus Victor Gram-Erichsen. Alumni portrait of alumnus Victor, from the Master of Science in Global Studies. Interview was conducted in Ma - 2025-03-05

Airlangga (Agga) Soediono

"Let your values and passion guide your professional journey and be persistent in following your dreams. Resilience is equally important - take care of your mental and physical health. Nevertheless, once you discover your passion, pursue it persistently despite any roadblocks and setbacks." Profile photo of alumnus Agga. Alumni portrait of Airlangga (Agga), from the Master of Science in Global Stu - 2025-03-05

Data Selection and Visualisation - SIMP59

7.5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM In this course, the student will learn how to select data relevant for their research questions, how to clean, transform, and potentially integrate (i.e. "data wrangling") those data for analysis, and how to effectively visualise and communicate patterns in their data for a given scientific aim. OverviewAbout the courseThere are two parts in the course: i.) questions rela - 2025-03-05

Yvonne Jila

Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender "Sometimes our plans may take time to materialize, sometimes we may need to reevaluate them, sometimes we may feel like failures, but my advice is to never give up and continue believing in yourself. I am motivated by the words of Nelson Mandela that, "it always seems impossible until it's done!" Alumni portrait of Yvonne Jila, from the Master of Scien - 2025-03-05

Theory of Science for the Social Sciences - SIMM23

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM OverviewWhat social sciences is all aboutWhy do I need to take a course on the philosophy of science? Isn't this something that should be left to people who can get excited over the most abstract theories and philosophies? Philosophy of science – or theory of science, as it is called in this course – is in fact no exotic undertaking but lies at the very basis of what soci - 2025-03-05

Fieldwork - SIMM25

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM The term ‘fieldwork’ grasps several traditions within the social sciences from the urban research of the Chicago School of Sociology to the classical participant observation undertaken over an extended period of time, at the core of anthropology. OverviewEthnographic in-dept fieldworkThe aim of the course is to explore the strengths of ethnographic in-depth fieldwork as a - 2025-03-05

Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis - SIMM27

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM What is text? How does one analyze a discourse? What does it mean to have texts and documents as research material? OverviewIntegrating theory and practiceThis course is aimed at providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the use of text and discourse analytical methods within the social sciences, and to convey the necessary practical skills required for their ap - 2025-03-05

Evaluation Research - Theories and Methods - SIMM29

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM This course gives the student hands on practice in how to develop an evaluation and how and why it is important to ground evaluation on a logical foundation. OverviewTrain both your practical and theoretical skillsThe course gives an overview of different available evaluation strategies and related scientific methodological approaches within the broad field of evaluation - 2025-03-05

Participatory Methods of Change and Development - SIMM30

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM This unique course focuses on change and development through the use of participatory methods, where affected groups and individuals are involved in change processes, such as community development, organisation development etc. OverviewHands-on methods and reflectionThe course is hands-on and stresses skills, competencies and knowledge use that are required to make change - 2025-03-05

Study Abroad

As a student at the Faculty of Social Sciences you can apply for exchange studies at top-ranked universities all over the world! OverviewBackgroundIf you are interested in spending a semester at another university in a different country you have a lot of opportunities. The Faculty of Social Sciences encourages students to take this opportunity to widen their perspectives and get a degree with an i - 2025-03-05

Zeynep Erdal

Master of Science in Development Studies Zeynep Erdal is one of our students who chose to apply for the Graduate Scool Double Degree Programme. This programme is a unique collaboration with Fudan University, China, allowing students to study in both Lund and Fudan, and thus receive a double degree.   Why Development Studies?"I am a 28 years old young woman from Skåne, with Kurdish parents from Tur - 2025-03-05

Claudia Hirtenfelder

Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender Claudia's storyBackground"Living and studying in Lund was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! My name is Claudia Hirtenfelder and in August 2011 I was given the opportunity through an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship to complete my MSc in the Social Studies of Gender majoring in Political Science at Lund University. This was to be a watershed t - 2025-03-05

Graduate School Board

OverviewThe Graduate School Board meets two to three times per semester. Administrative staff has the right to be present and express their views. Commissioners on the boards of the different Master's programmes of Social Sciences (SASAM) have the right to be present and express their views. Board secretary is Lucie Larssonova (Graduate School).The range of joint faculty courses (SIM-courses) and - 2025-03-05

Minutes, Graduate School Board

Due to regulations on national level, minutes from all university board meetings are written in Swedish. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please note that all minutes are viewable as PDFs. 2025Protokoll 2025-02-13Minutes 2025-02-13Protokoll 2025-04-22Minutes 2025-04-22Protokoll 2025-06-03Minutes 2025-06-032024Protokoll 2024-02-27Minutes 2024-02-27Protokoll 2024-04-18Minutes 2024-04-18Protokoll - 2025-03-05

Master of Science in Global Studies

120 credits, 2 years Programme overview The Master of Science in Global Studies is an interdisciplinary social science master's programme which aims to provide the student with knowledge of globalisation, conflict and social change. This involves an understanding of theories connected to processes of globalisation and transformation as analysed through various disciplinary frameworks. The programm - 2025-03-05

Master's Thesis

During your fourth semester, you will write your master’s thesis. This is the time for you to be creative and put together everything you have learned during the programme in your own research project! OverviewThe thesis course consists of a degree project for which the student independently designs and executes a scientific inquiry. The student should identify a relevant research problem in their - 2025-03-05

Master of Science in Development Studies

120 credits, 2 years Programme overview Watch on YouTube: Student Testimonial with Benedicte The Master of Science in Development Studies is an interdisciplinary social science master's programme focusing on problems of poverty and human development. It deals with key issues and problems of development as well as different theoretical perspectives to increase the student´s understanding of the pre - 2025-03-05